Design of Machine Element notes pdf| DME notes pdf | DME notes in pdf | Handwritten notes Mechanical Engineering | Written by Ashish Sir
Systematic exposition of the basic concepts and techniques involved in machine design. Machine Design is defined as the use of scientific. principles, technical information and imagination. in the description of a machine or a mechanical. system to perform specific functions with. maximum economy and efficiency
DME notes Syllabus
Unit I: Engineering Design; Steps in designing, design process and role of designer, iteration. preliminary design, detail design. Conceptual Design; abstraction, modeling of an engineering problem; iconic, analog and symbolic Embodiment Design; steps, rules and principles, design for quality and cost. Design for safety, Concept & evaluation of factor of safety
Unit II: Shafts: Design of shaft under combined bending, twisting and axial loading; shock and fatigue factors , design for rigidity; Design of shaft subjected to dynamic load; Design of keys and shaft couplings.
Unit III: : Design of Belt, Rope and Chain Drives: Methods of power transmission, selection and design of flat belt and pulley; Selection of V-belts and sheave design; Design of chain drives, roller chain and its selection; Rope drives, design of rope drives, hoist ropes.
Unit IV Brakes & Clutches: Materials for friction surface, uniform pressure and uniform wear theories, Design of friction clutches: Disk , plate clutches, cone & centrifugal clutches. Design of brakes: Rope, band & block brake, Internal expending brakes, Disk brakes.
Unit V:Design of Gears Force analysis of gear tooth, modes of failure, beam strength, Lewis equation, form factor, formative gear and virtual number of teeth; Gear materials; Surface strength and wear of teeth; strength against wear; Design of straight tooth spur and Helical Gears. Application of bevel, formative gear and virtual number of teeth; Force analysis; Lewis equation for bevel gears; Strength against wear; Design of bevel gear.
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DME Hand Written Notes
Unit I: Engineering Design; Steps in designing, design process and role of designer, iteration. preliminary design, detail design. Conceptual Design; abstraction, modeling of an engineering problem; iconic, analog and symbolic Embodiment Design; steps, rules and principles, design for quality and cost. Design for safety, Concept & evaluation of factor of safety