Ergonomics notes pdf| Ergonomics notes pdf | Ergonomics notes in pdf | Handwritten notes Mechanical Engineering | Written by Ashish Sir

Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them. Most people have heard of ergonomics and think it is something to do with seating or with the design of car controls and instruments – and it is… but it is so much more.
Ergonomics notes Syllabus
1. Productivity and work study, Techniques for productivity improvement, The influence of working conditions on work study.
2. Work measurement, Purpose and procedure, Work sampling study, sample size, Random observations, Errors, Standard data, Man power planning, Production planning
based on work study, Design of individual work, design of group work, Design of product oriented organisation. Process charts of man and material, Multiple activity chart, String
3. Human factors in engineering,Introduction: Definition, History of Development, Characteristics of Man Machine Systems, Relative capabilities of Human beings and
Machines,Information Input and Processing :
Human Motor Activities :
a. Bio mechanisms of motion, Measurement of Physiological Functions, Energy Expenditure in Physical Activities.
b. Human Control of Systems: Human input and output channels. Compatibility, Tracking Operations, Design of Control.
c. Anthropometry: Anthropometrics Data and their uses, Work Space Dimensions. Design of seats and seating Arrangement, Location of components, Design of
d. Introduction to information theory, Factors affecting information reception and processing. Coding and Selection of sensory inputs.
e. Human Sensory Process: Vision, Hearing, Cutaneous, Kinesthetics, and orientation senses.
4. Display:
a. Visual Display: Quantitative and qualitative types of visual display, Visual indicators, and warning signals, pictorial and Graphic displays, Alphanumeric Characteristics, Symbolic Codes.
b. Auditory and Textual Display: General Principles, Characteristics, and Selection of Auditory and Textual display.
5. Environment and Safety: Introduction to Environmental stresses and their impacts on human work. Industrial Safety: Analysis of cost of accidents, Hazards in various fields
like Fire, Electrical shocks. Chemicals, Material Handling, Radiation Machine and Machine Tools and Methods of eliminating them, Personnel Protective equipment,
Government legislation about occupational safety, an organization for safety, plant safety.
Ergonomics Hand Written Notes
1. Productivity and work study, Techniques for productivity improvement, The influence of working conditions on work study.
2. Work measurement, Purpose and procedure, Work sampling study, sample size, Random observations, Errors, Standard data, Man power planning, Production planning
based on work study, Design of individual work, design of group work, Design of product oriented organisation. Process charts of man and material, Multiple activity chart, String
3. Human factors in engineering,Introduction: Definition, History of Development, Characteristics of Man Machine Systems, Relative capabilities of Human beings and
Machines,Information Input and Processing :
Human Motor Activities :
a. Bio mechanisms of motion, Measurement of Physiological Functions, Energy Expenditure in Physical Activities.
b. Human Control of Systems: Human input and output channels. Compatibility, Tracking Operations, Design of Control.
c. Anthropometry: Anthropometrics Data and their uses, Work Space Dimensions. Design of seats and seating Arrangement, Location of components, Design of
d. Introduction to information theory, Factors affecting information reception and processing. Coding and Selection of sensory inputs.
e. Human Sensory Process: Vision, Hearing, Cutaneous, Kinesthetics, and orientation senses.
4. Display:
a. Visual Display: Quantitative and qualitative types of visual display, Visual indicators, and warning signals, pictorial and Graphic displays, Alphanumeric Characteristics, Symbolic Codes.
b. Auditory and Textual Display: General Principles, Characteristics, and Selection of Auditory and Textual display.
5. Environment and Safety: Introduction to Environmental stresses and their impacts on human work. Industrial Safety: Analysis of cost of accidents, Hazards in various fields
like Fire, Electrical shocks. Chemicals, Material Handling, Radiation Machine and Machine Tools and Methods of eliminating them, Personnel Protective equipment,
Government legislation about occupational safety, an organization for safety, plant safety.