FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING notes pdf| FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING notes pdf | Tribology notes in pdf | Handwritten notes Mechanical Engineering | Written by Ashish Sir

This subject has been introduced for the undergraduate students to understand and develop the concepts
of basic electrical engineering for all the undergraduate students of different branches of engineering.
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering notes Syllabus
D.C. Circuits: Units and dimensions, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s
theorem and their application for analysis of series and parallel resistive circuits excited by independent
voltage sources, Power & Energy in such circuits. Mesh & nodal analysis, Star Delta circuits.
1- phase AC Circuits: Generation of sinusoidal AC voltage, definition of average value, R.M.S. value, form
factor and peak factor of AC quantity , Concept of phasor, Concept of Power factor, Concept of impedance
and admittance, Active, reactive and apparent power, analysis of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series & parallel circuit
3-phase AC Circuits: Necessity and advantages of three phase systems, Meaning of Phase sequence,
balanced and unbalanced supply and loads. Relationship between line and phase values for balanced star
and delta connections. Power in balanced & unbalanced three-phase system and their measurements
Magnetic Circuits: Basic definitions, magnetization characteristics of Ferro magnetic materials, self
inductance and mutual inductance, energy in linear magnetic systems, coils connected in series, AC
excitation in magnetic circuits, magnetic field produced by current carrying conductor, Force on a current
carrying conductor. Induced voltage, laws of electromagnetic Induction, direction of induced E.M.F.
single phase transformer- general construction, working principle, e.m.f. equation, open circuit and short
circuit test
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering Free Video Lectures
Fundamental of Electrical Engineering Hand Written Notes
D.C. Circuits: Units and dimensions, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s
theorem and their application for analysis of series and parallel resistive circuits excited by independent
voltage sources, Power & Energy in such circuits. Mesh & nodal analysis, Star Delta circuits.